Road to Paradise

There is a secret out there that I have become aware of that is priceless.


This secret is how to get our minds and hearts into the beautiful upright position to love everything. To have no worry, no fear, no confusion, no sickness, no negativity, no stress, no problems that over-power us.


Not just to find but to unleash that “Power Within”, that inner child we used to have that has been overtaken by industrial revolution and society in general. Your brain is not your true soul.


Do you pick your phone up as soon as you wake up and open social media to start reading every one’s business?


Then write a to do list whilst your brain is over thinking other things that would be interfering with your true potential?


Enlightened people do not do this.


Not placing your mind into the higher subconscious position by carrying out just 10 minutes of mindfulness is a question I will leave you to answer. Then getting 15 minutes of exercise to strengthen yourself to nature to enjoy the natural surroundings of how truly beautiful this world is.


Drink a big glass of alkalined water with some sulfur supplements, then let the love and acceptance from your heart, guide your actions.


Perhaps a cup of tea or a cup of bone broth!!!


Let’s feed this beautiful person we are, let’s look after ourselves. You are what you eat.


Humble yourself to being equal, no more or no better or less than anyone else.


Love yourself, treat others with kindness and compassion, don’t be judgmental so you can brace humility.


Remember, daily mindfulness was to stop your brain from thinking so you can then think from the heart, not from what someone just said or did on social media. The “Inner Child” thinks from the heart, not the mind that has never had a rest for decades and decades from always thinking from the brain. All those years from worry, stress, fear, ambition’s, failures, problems in the world we really do not have to think about to live this world in paradise. To find your true self, it must come from your heart, this does not happen until you completely stop the mind from thinking. Allow your thoughts to freely flow through your mind when it is cleared from the past or the future. Think from the now, the present with a calm humble mind for high emotional intelligence and the bliss of life.


Can you imagine not cleaning your kitchen sink after 40 years how inside of your body would be if you have never cleaned it before like most of the world? We have developed a health and development programme to clean out all the toxins and reset the DNA. To take you back like that inner child so we can then concentrate to think straight from the heart because that is the true you.


We have special offers to selected individuals who want to improve their well beings to start Stage 1 of our “Elixir of Infinity” detox programme to teach you how to heal yourself at “Heal Yourself Academy”.


Beautiful world, beautiful day, beautiful life, love from the true heart and not the altered mind.


Flash cars, big houses and money is not your wealth, your wealth is your health, friends and family.

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