Reaching Humility

In today’s crazy world, there are many people that have differences of opinion that can give us distracted minds from information overload. Do you even realise you might have an altered mind from not exercising it for 20 minutes a day to reach your full potential? Do you live your best life radiating with love and humility whilst staying calm? The good news is it is possible if you want to and know some of the tricks how to achieve this.

Do you stay humble in conversation when you are in a disagreement with someone, or do you find it difficult to even listen? If not, I encourage you to adopt a humbler mindset to be able to always socialise remaining calm and happy. Do you know how to change your consciousness to stay clear of the unconscious? If you have never stopped your mind from thinking into stillness, then the chances are you are operating your mind unconsciously. Most people live their entire lives with an unconscious mindset, and they are completely blind to it. It is clear if you do not ever stop the mind from thinking into stillness, awareness does not kick in. Therefore they are never aware to even realise there is another consciousness allowing you to really be present in life called being aware and awake.

Getting into an intense argument with someone over a difference of opinion is bad for your health. Having humility is a massive strength, it stops you being judgmental to others and yourself. There is no arrogance in humility because you learn how to not take things too seriously. If you see signs that that person has a weakness, it is best to just accept it accordingly. Live in the moment to respect that that person may be on their own little journey. Have you got what it takes to learn when to speak and when to be quiet? If you are not present, then this might be your solution.

Like myself, I used to think having pride in everything I did was a good thing. Well, think again because your pride can give you an altered ego thinking you are better than others. Do not think you are of less value to others either because this can also take you out of being humble with negative thoughts like jealousy or unworthiness.

Negativity is a disease within itself, it creates the bad mind that is not good for your health.

When you are humble, you can be more positive and helpful to others to deal with problems with clarity. So, what is the best way to reach humility to live your life with deep joy?

At “Heal Yourself Academy” we have worked a series of simple exercises into our programme that generates great humility. Things like mindfulness meditation to completely stopping the brain into stillness to clear it of bad emotions or negativity. Learning perception exercises to open other parts of our brains and gain better awareness. We teach you simple to learn breathing techniques how to best activate the portal vagus nerve to gain better compassion and empathy towards others. The vagus nerve is the most important nerve in our bodies to really start stimulating the mind and boost immunity. Reaching humility is just one thing you will learn to acquire in our health and development programme challenges called the “Elixir of Infinity.”

Are you living a humble life in the bliss? Are you really awakened with a mellow mindset fully aware and living in the present, and enjoying every moment of life? Or do you start your day with a negative vertex that truly stops who you really could be, the true you from your inner self, the power within. When you still the mind into nothingness you do not need to force change, the change will happen itself.

Most people think that getting exercise is going for a jog, a swim or to the gym. Have you ever thought how important it would be for the mind to exercise the 5 senses first? Is your body more important than your mindset?

Would you like to bring massive love energy into your mind, body, heart and soul and live your best life?

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