Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Field Therapy
A groundbreaking technology that taps into the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
PEMF therapy operates on a simple principle:
all cells in our body have a charge, akin to a battery.
Over time, due to various factors
including ageing, toxins in the environment,
this voltage decreases and often leads to ailments and illnesses.
PEMF therapy can act as a rejuvenating force, boosting cellular energy and promoting overall well-being.
A recharge of your cellular batteries!
Benefits of PEMF Therapy
Skin Health:
Can possibly enhance skin health by improving circulation and oxygenation in the tissues, leading to better nutrient transport and waste elimination.
This process may revitalise the skin, promoting a healthy and radiant complexion.
Cellular Dysfunction Throughout the Body:
May target cellular dysfunction by increasing cell voltage and improving metabolic efficiency.
By recharging the cellular batteries, PEMF therapy can possibly correct imbalances and promote optimal cellular function throughout the body.
Energy Levels and Reduces Fatigue:
By enhancing mitochondrial function and ATP synthesis, PEMF therapy may boost energy levels and reduce fatigue.
This recharging of the body’s energy stores can possibly lead to increased vitality and overall well-being.
Blood Circulation:
May optimise circulation by potentially widening blood vessels, reducing blood viscosity and possibly improving lymphatic drainage.
This may enhance blood flow, oxygenation and nutrient transport, to possibly promote better overall health.
Athletic Performance:
May enhance athletic performance by the potential to improve energy production, circulation and oxygenation in the tissues.
This can possibly lead to increased stamina, endurance and recovery, enabling athletes to perform at their best.
Oxygenation in the Tissues:
By optimising circulation and enhancing cellular function,
PEMF therapy can possibly improve oxygenation in the tissues.
This process ensures that cells receive an adequate supply of oxygen, promoting optimal health and vitality.
Improves Sleep Quality and Reduces Insomnia:
Promotes restful sleep by calming the mind, relaxing the body and improving hormonal balance.
By synchronising day and night cycles and promoting relaxation, PEMF therapy may help reduce insomnia and improve sleep quality.
Boosts the Immune System:
May strengthen the immune system by stimulating the production of nitric oxide and energising every cell in the body.
This heightened immune response may enhance the body’s natural defence mechanisms, promoting overall health and well-being.
Improves Muscle Relaxation and Performance:
By reducing pain and inflammation PEMF may enhance muscle relaxation and performance.
This leads to improved flexibility, mobility and overall muscle function, aiding in recovery and preventing injury.
Enhances the Body’s Natural Recovery Process:
May aid in stimulating stem cell production and tissue repair, facilitating the body’s natural recovery process.
By promoting healing and regeneration at the cellular level, PEMF therapy can possibly accelerate recovery from injuries and promote overall wellness.
Aids in Bone Repair:
May support bone repair by stimulating bone marrow cells and promoting tissue regeneration.
This process can possibly aid in the healing of fractures, osteoporosis and other bone-related issues, promoting stronger and healthier bones.
Reduces Pain and Inflammation:
May offer powerful relief from pain and inflammation by targeting the root causes of discomfort.
By increasing endorphin levels, interrupting pain signals and reducing inflammation, PEMF therapy can possibly provide holistic pain management and promote overall well-being.
When you use PEMFs, you are not just targeting one issue –
you are supporting your entire body’s wellbeing!
Heal Yourself Studio PEMF Treatments

What to expect:
Discover the non-invasive and relaxing world of PEMF therapy.
Sessions typically last between 30 minutes to 1 hour,
during which you simply sit or lay on a PEMF mat with a coil inside.
Specially designed loops may then be placed on specific areas for targeted treatment.
All you have to do is get comfortable and enjoy the soothing pulses of direct current into your body and cells.
Before your session, remember to remove all watches, linked chains, mobile phones or devices with batteries.
Please note that PEMF therapy cannot be used on clients with pacemakers or those who are pregnant.
Get ready to unwind and rejuvenate with PEMF therapy for a holistic wellness experience.
PEMF Technology
Personalised Therapy-
paid each visit
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PEMF Technology
Personalised Therapy-
when you purchase the
$600 Multi Pass
Paid in advance for 10 sessions